Saturday 7119 Work Getty Center x33 w/ our Lovesquare*; Conversations w/ parking ladies. Trams that take us only higher. Beautiful views. Cactus in t/ middle of nowhere. Sculptures. Paintings. Tourist or not? [; Flowers so beautiful they're blinding. Secret dancing couple. BevHills& Downtown buildings. Being called "sweet" for once. Beautiful things& beautiful people to see them with. Granada Hills; Attempt to watch Push. More family-meeting. x3 Falling asleep, again, in the arms. Good music. A little fast-forward, but still worth the moment. (:
Sunday 7129 HAPPY 49TH BIRTHDAY TO THE BEST MOM EVER.; ..Early birthday singing@ home w/ Cookie Cake. Having to redo it three times FAST b/c my torch lighter was too strong. "Come here often? (;" - "I almost feel like part of the family." Endless laughter. Great moments x33 Bubbagump; Mom's "sweet-16" dance. 60-60-40. Really asking the waiter for the bathroom. Forrest Gump trivia. Alchie. 3rd Street Promenade; Bathing suit for $10. Endless search for a bathroom. Hip-hop performers& other .. "interesting" performers. KIT, SON! "Good luck in the bathroom!" Weird gelato flavors. Art in the Apple store. Moving the chalk. Not even waking up a single second during San Pedro. Bboy Footwerkz. Etc etc. ♥
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I honestly do love my family, minus a couple. Unique, just how I like it. Broken, yet together somehow. I swear we have the most low-key problems but somehow in the end we manage to pull it together.
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I have no idea what's going on w/ me. Wish I could just be carefree but somehow my mind always gets the best of me. Well now more than ever, 'cos of everything.
I have no idea what's going on w/ me. Wish I could just be carefree but somehow my mind always gets the best of me. Well now more than ever, 'cos of everything.
I think the reason I'm like this is 'cos I don't wanna make it seem as if I'm still scared.
Oh, but I am.
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I wish you'd stop telling me things I don't wanna hear anymore. What good does it do when it's already over& done with? I poured everything out to you for so long, gave so many chances, & only now do you show you care. It seriously stresses me out. &Confuses me.
EXHAUSTED. Please just stop.
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All in all, I'm loving life.
To the fullest. [=